Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Ice Ice Baby

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Blueberry and Cream Popsicles

Hello hello! I don't know how it is for you, but here its HOT HOT HOT! I'm pretty sure this has been the hottest summer here on the  (south) Jersey Shore in quite a long time.

Thank goodness for the wonderful ocean always calling my name! And thank goodness for ice cream! Now I have never been an ice cream fanatic, regardless of my giant sweet tooth. However, this summer I feel like I have been eating buckets of the stuff. So I thought I need to get back to using that oh so wonderful ice cream maker my lovely friends had bought for me!

I was going to go all gourmet and make a salted caramel ice cream, but when I opened my refrigerator I changed my mind. I saw my left over blueberry sauce from those amazing blueberry cheesecake cupcakes I made recently. So I thought hmmm I can defiantly make a super simple blueberry ice cream. 

Then I got to thinking even more. Do I really need to have a gallon of ice cream sitting in my freezer for me to devour?
Need, no. Want, yes.

So to save my butt from growing I decided to make Popsicles instead. Such a thinker, aren't I?

These turned out perfect, and seriously could no be easier. Even if you don't have left over blueberry sauce, that only take minutes to make.

Once the sauce is made you simple make a separate cream base of heavy whipping cream, half and half, sugar and vanilla. Viola!

Easy as that! This recipe can make up to 6 pops but feel free to adjust it to make more because you won't want just one :).

Enjoy & stay cool!

Blueberry Cream Pop's
makes 4-6 popsicles

  • 1 cup blueberry sauce, recipe found here
  • 3/4 cup heavy cream
  • 1/4 cup half and half (or more heavy cream)
  • 1/2-1 cup powdered sugar (adjust to your sweetness level)
  • 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
*A popsicle kit is great but you can use small paper cups and popsicle sticks as well*

  1. In a large bowl, whisk together cream, half and half, vanilla, and sugar until sugar is dissolved.
  2. Spoon some of the cream mixture into each of the popsicle containers, or cups, filling just the bottom.
  3. Spoon some of the blueberry sauce on top of cream mixture.
  4. Continue to do this until popsicle container is filled and top with popsicle top/stick.
  5. If using paper cups let the pop's freeze slightly before inserting popsicle stick.
  6. Let freeze for 6-8 hours before enjoying.

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